August 13, 2010

Beautiful Haruni.

All done and pretty.  So fun to knit, the pattern is very well written, after every right side row there's a stitch count, which I did most of the time.  That felt 'safe' knitting the next rows.  The yarn.... oh the yarn, I used Wolmeise Twin and it's heaven.  Little suspence because I had only one skein in this colour and the rows kept growing with every row eating more yarn.  But it's all good, I made it, in fact there's a whopping 9 grams left.

 Model: Young Miss Pollymoggle.


  1. ohh that's a beautiful shawl. So lovely colour!
    Something I would like to try knit someday.
    Nice to find new bloggers to visit.

  2. This shawl looks beautiful. You must be really pleased with it.
